Farmers Open Recap

Hi Tour Aimers:

If you ever doubt the importance of aim and alignment, just watch PGA Tour pros practice.

I had that opportunity last weekend at the Farmers Insurance Open in San Diego.

What you quickly notice is that while their grips and other fundamentals vary widely, they’re all obsessed with setting up with their feet, hips and shoulders square, and aiming the clubface precisely at the intended target line.

That’s true on the driving range and the practice green. 

It was no surprise, then, that the Tour Aim got such a positive response from numerous pros and teachers. 

Among them: Sean Foley (below, left), former coach to Tiger and Justin Rose, current coach to who knows how many pros, and Derek Uyeda, considered the top putting guru on Tour.

One demo was enough for Sean and Derek to immediately put it in front of their players, which led to many other Tour players and teachers grabbing a Tour Aim to make their practice more effective and efficient

Here’s Justin Rose, Dewie Van Der Walt, and Brett Drewitt putting Tour Aim in action.

Between the PGA Show and the Farmers, it’s been an incredible couple of weeks.

The response has only reinforced what I already knew about Tour Aim:

From ease-of-use to overall effectiveness, it’s the best training aid in all of golf - and the one training aid every golfer needs in their bag!!!

If you’ve already got yours, thanks so much – I hope you’ll refer us to a fellow golfer.

If not, click below to see it in action:

Aim Better, Play Better, Score Better with Tour Aim 

Noah Wolf, Founder and CEO
Tour Aim Golf